Sabtu, 04 April 2009

Prestasi Qoe..

Glitter Words

A. Da Teacher
1. Juara II, Lomba Karya Tulis Inovasi Pembelajaran
ting. Kab. Lumajang : Saifudin Zuhri, SPd.Ing ('07)
2. Juara II, Lomba Media Pembelajaran
ting. Karisidenan, Jember : Mohammad Adi, SPd.Fis ('07)
3. Juara IV, Guru Prestasi ting. Kab. : Dra. Lilik Sulistiana ('04)
4. Juara IV, Guru Prestasi ting. Kab. : Drs. Agusta Irianto MPd. ('93)
5. Juara II, Menulis Cerita Budaya Lmj, Jatim : Mukidi (2006)
6. Lima besar, Perancang Busana Adat Khas Lumajang
tingkat Nasional : Mukidi (2008)
7. Lima besar, Perancang Tata Cara Pengantin Khas
Lumajang, tingkat Nasional : Mukidi (2007)
B. Da Student
Non Akademik :
1. Juara II, Bulu Tangkis Putra ting. Kab. : Abdul Rahman (2005)
2. Juara I, Bulu Tangkis Putra ting. Kab. : Jefri Pranata (2006)
3. Juara II, Kaligrafi ting. Kab. : Ding-Dong (present)
4. Juara II, Seni Lukis ting. Kab. : Lilis Suryani (2005)
5. Juara V, Athletic : Indrajid (2005)
6. Juara II, O2SN lari 100 m : Dian Rahayuning Wijayanti (2009)
Akademik :
1. Juara III, Pidato Bahasa Inggris : Ayu Anggraini (2005)
2. Juara IV, Geofisika : Ramadhani (2007)
3. Juara VI, Olimpiade Matematika : (team) Nurul Rindawati (2006)
C.U next time... ^^

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Bout Us

Custom Glitter Text Graphics -

Jangan berusaha tuk jadi orang yang sukses
But.. Berusahalah tuk menjadi ornag yang berguna untuk semuanya 4eva..




..Berakhlaq mulia..

Welcome on the my site...

I mean our site..

Hi everyone!!

Did U know esempesa b4???


I'll tell yoU if U didin't know b4..

okay, first...

Esempesa is only schooL in Klakah who really da best quality...

n I make this site it cause juzt want to you all know bout esempesa..

Did U know what is Esempesa???

it is a small schooL..

But.. it really nice if u see it..

it located at Jl. raya no. 246 Klakah, Lumajang,,

n it in front of the mount,,

U dun believe it??
Please, trust me.. it's true..

N it's really cold..
n crowded cause near the road..

Esempesa going to be an SSN schooL..
n we hope it will come true soon..
Esempesa needs more budget for inovatie education..
Support us ya??!! kwkeke

Uhmm.. n for now our headmaster is.............

Drs. Agusta Irianto MPd. (2004-present)

Ouwh yea.. I almost forget..
Esempesa is SMP 1 Klakah..

Oueh.. it not really famous at Lumajang's high schooL..

But, visit us!!
U'll accepted by friendly people in here..
Whoever u are,,, =]


Juzt stop in here I give u some news about esempesa..
C.U next time n Gud bei.. ^^